Hiromi Saimon Photography

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Wall Sconces Are Unique And An Elegant Addition To Your Home Dcor

A wall sconce is a type of lighting fixture that uses a wall for support, and directs light upwards. It does not have a base on the ground, but is instead attached to a wall. Wall sconces can either contain an electric lighting fixture, or contain stands for candles of all shapes and sizes. They are typically used in hallways or corridors to provide light to areas that may need it, but also add a decorative touch to any home.

Even though a wall sconce must be installed, they are very simple to add to any room. They are mounted to almost any wall, and sometimes may require minimal electrical work. Wall sconces that use candles only require mounting, which is a much simpler way to add a beautiful accent anywhere in your home.

Wall sconces work great for those who do not have much space, since you dont need a table or floor space to place them. They fit directly on the wall almost anywhere in a home, but can still provide enough light for areas that need it. Wall sconces come in a variety of different styles and sizes, which makes it very easy to find one that will fit almost any dcor. Wall sconces work great for either indoor or outdoor use, and can be installed in a number of different ways.

Wall sconces are great for those who are redecorating their home, but can also be placed even when not redecorating. They are much less expensive that buying wall lamps, and can be much easier to install. Wall sconces take up only a small amount of room, making it possible to hang up pictures and other decorations along with your lighting fixtures.

Wall sconces can be installed in a number of different rooms, including hallways, bathrooms, bedrooms, and even kitchens. You can use a wall sconce to set a certain mood in a room, no matter what mood you are looking for. You can keep your bathroom feeling peaceful with a wall sconce, or even bring some excitement to your bedroom. Because you can use either candles or light fixtures, you can find something that will work in almost any room in your home.

Because wall sconces can direct light in a number of different ways, it is easy to get enough light just by attaching one to your wall. They can be used to provide enough light to a dark hallway, or you may just want to add a little decorative touch to your boring wash room. No matter what you are looking for to improve in your home, wall sconces are the way to go. You will find wall sconces in a number of different colors, styles, and sizes, which makes it easy for almost anyone to find a wall sconce that will fit in with their personal dcor.

Desmond Smalls is the owner of SnSLampscamera.Collodion Photography
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Is That Burglar Really So Stupid?

We've all read them and laughed at them, those stories about stupid burglars doing the dumbest of things whilst attempting to commit a crime and getting themselves arrested instead.

Like deciding to take a nap on the victim's bed and still be laying there when the police arrive. Or getting stuck half way through a window, or leaving their wallet at the scene of the crime, or filming themselves with the victim's video camera.

They get caught because they do stupid, dumb things.

Let's face it these news stories are amusing. We read them and have a good chuckle to ourselves, perhaps even taking a little comfort from the news that those who would take our hard earned possessions are plainly inept and clueless.

But isn't there a danger in those stories? Couldn't these news reports lull us into being a little lax about our home security? After all, if burglars are so dumb there is no need to pay too much attention to protecting our homes right?

Wrong! The cold truth is that every day homes are broken into, folks' possessions are stolen and the burglar gets clean away. The fact is the average burglar, whilst not being a genius, is clearly not stupid and those that get themselves caught by doing dumb things are the exception, and not the rule.

Is it not better to think of the housebreaker as having a few brain cells and protect your home accordingly? Are you tempted to 'hide' a spare key just in case you lock yourself out of your home. You likely would not choose to hide it under the welcome mat because that is a little obvious, but think of this, wherever you think to hide the key a burglar can think to look. Don't hide keys, the burglar is smart enough to find them.

Given the choice which home do you think the burglar will pick to attempt to rob. The home with a garden full of overgrown plants and bushes that provide shadows for the thief to work unseen, or the home with a maintained garden that gives a clear view of the house, so that neighbors and passers by can easily spot an intruder. The burglar does have the savvy to keep out of sight, do all that you can to deny him cover from being seen and you will increase the chance that he will leave your home alone.

So whilst it is true that dumb criminals do exist, and even intelligent burglars make dumb mistakes, (so that the newspapers can publish those stupid burglar stories,) it pays to remember that the average criminal will apply at least a little thought to carrying out his wicked trade.

Do not be tempted to think of the housebreaker as a fool. He may think that honest citizens are fools enough to work long hours to fill their homes with goodies just so he can steal them. But the honest citizens should be wise enough to do all they can to protect their homes and families. Not thinking criminals to be dumb, and putting in place intelligent home security, reduces the chance of being burgled, the statistics prove it.

Martin Underwood writes about all aspects of home security. He is a regular contributor to surveillanceforsecurity">surveillanceforsecurity, the site that presents reviews and information about the best home security products and ideas.Black Widow Photography
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Starting A Photography Business from Home

You can search for hours and still not get the information you're seeking when you want to do something as important as starting a photography business. Keep in mind that some of the photography businesses that you can specialize in, may have varying requirements and you would do well to remember this once you have read this article and want to learn a little more on each of the photographic areas. With this in mind, I have supplied a free report which you can access from my site later.

Almost anyone with the right camera equipment, and the necessary skills can set up a home business, marketing photography. You need only to convert a room of your house into an office, and then you can work immediately.

Because you have modern technology in the form of SLR digital cameras, you do not even need the room for a dark room. You need only to have a personal computer and a photo-editing program. The standard is Adobe Photoshop.

Don't clutter yourself with equipment you do not need. You can hire equipment on and when you need it basis. You have the freedom to work part time for a while until you can devote yourself full time to photography. All you need to be is a serious photographer. There are two types of photographers that makes their living from photography, the serious photographer and the very serious photographer. You can always bookmark this link and then you can quickly access just about all you'll ever need from here.

Whilst the technical skills needed to make a successful photographer have never been easier, other aspects have changed the business. The market for photographs of virtually every type has widened, the world seems to have an insatiable appetite for photographs. However the price has fallen as the marketing net has broadened. Photographers are needed in many more fields. For instance many people use car web sites, they simply did not exist ten years ago, and they sell their products as a result of photography. Cameras used by scuba divers are now an excellent quality, and whilst they are initially expensive, they have forged a new market. People celebrate special occasions more with photography, than they did years ago. The travel and advertising markets have a greater need for landscape, travel and nature shots.

It is now easier than ever to turn your dream into reality and create a worthwhile business out of an engrossing hobby. However in todays modern world there is more to it than simply pointing a camera, and shooting a picture. You need to be aware of marketing techniques, and here marketing simply means transferring ownership of a product, in this case an image from a buyer to seller. You also need to be aware of any local gaps in the market in your local area. You should also try to be on top of your competitors prices, to undercut an existing photographer is one choice, but to neglect to value your skills and not charge enough to cover your overheads is another matter entirely. Remember this, its an important point.

Use your skills to the best advantage of the business and define what you want from it. Writing a business plan helps to keep you focused on the areas you specifically want to exploit. A business plan helps you to define your goals and strategies, it will be changed and updated, but it will help you, to keep things in perspective. You can then refer back to it when things become confusing or complicated. Everyones business plan will be different, as every objective will be different, but there are certain common factors that make up a good business plan which will help your business grow. It allows you to develop a professional attitude to your business, which not only helps you to increase your earnings, but also help you to finance your business.

For the photographer it should include, your business name, or your own, with full details of the proposed location of the business, a copy of your logo, as well as details of your copyright notices. What is the form of your proposed business (sole ownership, partnership, Limited Liability Company or Corporation). This should be followed by a table of contents, which focuses on a logical order. There are resources that will give you further details on such as profitable-photography">profitable-photography

Included after this should be the type of business you intend to pursue, in a fair amount of detail, and it should contain the services you intend to offer. This section should include any future gaols or avenues you would like to explore, stating your clear objectives. This is so you can check at a later date whether your objectives are on course, or if you have got sidetracked.

If you envisage at any time you may need financial help, then you should include your personal business history.

You should also state a clear and concise marketing plan that should demonstrate how your business will differentiate from the businesses of your competitors. You should be able to establish whom your customers will be, as well as where your market will be, as in wholesale or retail or a combination of both. You should also be able to determine how long this type of market will be available to yourself.

The next section should clearly define your opposition, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. This should include the ways you may be able to exploit any gaps in the market in the specific area where you live. A section should follow this on how you intend to market and promote your individual services.

A financial segment should be included as to how you intend to manage the day-to-day bills of the business. How you intend to price your services, and what factors influence this pricing structure, which includes a section on your competitors financial structures. This means a fair amount of detective work as well as homework. Get your friends to ask from quotes from the local competition. Or try an even more direct approach, tell your competitors that you intend to start a new business, and that you do not want to undercut them, as this reduces the cake for everyone. They may well offer to help you construct a pricing structure that ensures everyones livelihood. It is in their interests to help. Not everyone will be cooperative, but it may mean you can get a truer picture of the market factors that govern your area.

Make a list of all the equipment you will need in your first year, as well as how and where you intend to purchase. Note any difficulties that may arise in obtaining your supplies. Note whether the prices of your supplies have a seasonal fluctuation, that may help you influence you when to buy. You should make a note of any local licenses that will be necessary, as well as any zoning restrictions, that may restrict the growth of your business. Your neighbours may not be thrilled at a procession of customers to your door, check whether they can restrict your services. Make a study of all your business insurance requirements.

The final segment should be devoted to how you intend to finance the growth of your business, as well as isolating what your financial needs will be. This should include a projection on your future earnings, as well as an accurate assessment of your outgoings. This should be assessed on a monthly basis for the first year, and on an annual basis for the following three years. An important aspect of the financial statement is an assessment of the break-even point of your business, in other words the minimum you will have to take to pay your expenses.

The purpose of this documentation is to allow you to enunciate what the core elements of your business will be, in doing this it should help you to be able to quickly evaluate the success of your business objectives. If you are not clear on your objectives then you cannot possibly make a plan to bring about the success of those objectives.

Roy Barker often writes and works closely with Start A Photography Business. This site is dedicated to coaching you in starting your own photography business but places a strong emphasis on profitability issues & guidelines. You can access photography resources (some free) from Digital Photography If you seek further guides, tips, articles and news, you can go to photography-business-tips">photography-business-tips which has a Photographers Forum for an exchange of views with other photographers.Bill Thompson Photography
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